I have tried using the ramping feature many times but it does something strange that I do not know how to correct.
When I turn on ramping it will raise the spindle/router about 1" above the workpiece after every pass/layer it cuts. So if I am cutting out a bunch of pockets that takes say 10 passes/layers per pocket, the spindle will raise up and back down 10 times for each pocket. A perfect example of how annoying this can be. I just ran a job today that had 96 pockets. That is a crazy amount of time lost.
Also when I have to do a bunch of small holes for screws, it will move to the new location and raise up to 1" above the surface and then start the slow spiral down. At the very least it should go straight down and then start the spiral just above the workpiece. Makes no sense!
There is NO reason for it to raise up an inch and then goes straight back down before continuing. Honestly I don’t think it should raise at all. I think it should just slowly lower the spindle to the new depth as the spindle is still moving. This is how it was done with other software I have used.
I looked for a setting but could not find one. Please tell me there is a way to change this?
The free open source utility GCodeClean can help turn retracts and above zero plunges into G0 rapids instead of feed rate moves, along with other potential optimizations. I’ve used it successfully on V6, along with other CAM programs. It was a big help when I was trying to simulate straight line guilloche with a diamond drag bit with V6. I was using low plunge rates, with a 5mm spring compression. At the time V6 did these with feed rate moves, and it was like watching molasses drip during a harsh winter, GCC made a big difference in run time. It also can turn straight line segment arcs into G2/G3 commands, which can greatly reduce file sizes.
It works on gcode files, not the V7 encrypted compressed within the project file approach, so you’d need to export actual gcode first.
Try it and see if it helps, and as with any new software do some testing before digging out that megabuck piece of exotic hardwood. The developer is active in the Maslow CNC forum, and usually responds quickly to any questions or reported problems
Thanks for the software recommendation. I will check it out further. Not a fan of CLI but it may be worth the hassle.
Interesting that you brought up Maslow. If I recall correctly I did not have this issue with my Maslow M2. I believe their software handled ramping well. It has been a few years since I used my Maslow so I could be wrong.
Different software handles plunges and retracts differently, and may do rapids instead of feed rate moves. Or it may be that the original Maslow’s Z was so slow that you couldn’t tell a difference between G0 and G1,
The Maslow V4 (so named because it uses 4 belts instead of 2 chains, M2 was taken) still has a few hours to go (as I type this) on Kickstarter. I supported both the original and the much improved V4, IMHO they’re a good compliment to a smaller but faster and less limited machine like an SO
The V4 looks like it may address all the shortcomings of the M2. The M2 just was not very accurate the further from center you go. Especially at the furthest corners. I was able to calibrate it pretty good but it was not close enough for me. I will have to see how accurate the V4 is before I would consider upgrading. I do like the vertical cutting. Especially when space is hard to come by.