the new catch phrase

Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Set
World's most rugged wood-grip screwdrivers, they were standard equipment in all US Army tanks, but disappeared 20 years ago. We've found them again!
Price: USD 29.8
the new catch phrase
Codger club eh? Born before the middle of the last century. Ouch, don’t feel that aged.
Sign me up I suppose. Please send all dues to my PayPal.
Hey, back in the day they assigned numbers to SO3’s. I have #1212.
Well, if we’re going by serial numbers, my v1 Shapeoko was serial #364, and my SO2 was unnumbered since I did the instructions ( ) and my first SO3 (since upgraded to an XL) is serial #0006.
WOW… at 76 am I too old for this group? To show you how far back I go, this was my company mascot before I retired from my engraving business and bought a Shapeoko!
Wow, you had color? Back in my day…
Looks faster than me with the XXL!
Or, alternatively…
" “ Codger ” is probably simply a dialect variation of “cadger,” and originally, in the 18th century, meant a stingy, miserly old man."
I think I prefer your version, @jepho
Eighty and upwards, are we old codgers allowed in or should we be thinking of kicking off our own club? Probably not enough members to even get started!
I feel particularly old when I think about my paternal grandfather who was born in 1849, he emigrated from Norway to Australia on a square rigged sailing ship the Humboldt in 1872.
So…on the topic of age…a joke:
2 old guys (I guess, codgers), are sitting after dinner. Their wives are in the other room. One guy turns to the other and says, “We went to a really nice restaurant the other day”
His friend said, “Really? Which one?”
He said, “You know, I"m getting old…can’t remember things the way I used to. What’s the name of that colorful flower?”
“Tulip?”, his friend offered.
“No…the one you give your sweetheart”
“A carnation?”
“No…the one with the thorns”
“A rose?”
“Yeah…that’s it!”, he said, then turning to the other room he shouted, “Hey Rose, where did we go for dinner last night?”
Betty White is 99 years old and still does not need glasses…
she drinks straight from the bottle.
Don’t look now, but there’s one too many in this room and I think it’s you.
– Groucho Marx
Better hurry up and accomplish whatever because - “This topic will automatically close in a month.”
“This topic will automatically close in a month.”
Nah, I can reopen it at will, until I’m in my seventies and join the club
It will be interesting to see how long this thread goes on for!
Something for the grandchildren to look at and laugh!
A month can be a lifetime…but last year feels like a minute ago…what’s going on?
How about a discussion of interesting tools we’ve used over the years?
I’ll start, anyone ever had/used a Craftsman Router Crafter?
I used to make table legs with one. I have no pics but found this link.
My tool use from bygone times aren’t quite so subtle, as I worked on big, lumpy armoured vehicles!
Did your tool kit for armoured vehicles have a set of the perfect handle screwdrivers?
Garrett Wade used to prominently mention that in their catalog for a set:
World's most rugged wood-grip screwdrivers, they were standard equipment in all US Army tanks, but disappeared 20 years ago. We've found them again!
Price: USD 29.8
(on sale now, might have to buy a set for my box of vintage tools — still regretting returning the Lee Valley set)
It does indeed
We had nowt as posh as that! Ours had yellow plastic handles!
I’ve still got one, somewhere - and a couple of spanners (wrenches) with the WD markings still on them!