Shapeoko 4 XXL Homing Issue

I recently purchased a Shapeoko 4 XXL and built it this weekend. When initializing the machine the x homing does not function properly. It initially activates the homing switch but when it pushes off and tries to retouch it does not activate. The switch is working as I can use a metal object to activate it at all times. It will just bounce several times, without striking the stops, trying to activate the switch and then throw an error and fail to initialize. I have uninstalled carbide motion and reinstalled it as well with the same issue. I have checked wiring as well with no issues found.

If you haven’t already, please contact and we’ll do our best to get this sorted out.

You likely meed to move the switch closer so the trigger is better.


It is moved as far over as it will go.

Email has already been sent. Thanks for the response.

I swapped the the x and z limit switches. The issue remained with the x axis. So switches are good.

Until support contacts you about this, maybe try increasing the pull-off distance slightly, see if it changes anything.

This is parameter $27, covered in this thread, worth a try as a workaround until you properly troubleshoot this with support?

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I have located a wiring issue. The x motor wire connectors do not match. I am contacting support but is there a way to repin the connectors or will I have to get new cables?

On a side not the z motor cables are not mined correctly either but they are consistently wrong throughout, meaning the motor still works properly.

They don’t match what?
Is the motor moving the correct direction when homing?

The new connectors require special tooling to unmake and remake, so this isn’t a DIY thing ---- support should be able to work through getting a replacement to you.

The wire colors on the connectors do not match. The cable connectors were wired incorrectly. See picture above

I have sent an email detailing the issue. No response yet.

So the X-axis does not move correctly?

Your original post made it sound like everything was moving correctly but it wasn’t triggering the switch.

I didn’t really notice it until I found the wiring issue. The motor stutters and vibrates unlike the others. I was also able to get it to home by placing a metal object at the sensor. When jogging X the motor was not moving properly, stopping at times and was louder than the others.

Well, that makes sense then.

To add to what @WillAdams said… Not only would you need a pin removal tool, but you’d need to replace the pins as well. Support will take care of you.


Thank you all for the quick responses I am in contact with support and hopefully we can get this resolved sooner than later.

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Still waiting on support to respond to my latest email sent 4 hours ago.

After talking with support they believe it is actually a x motor issue. I swapped wires with z motor and problem remained with x motor. Sending me a new x motor.

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I received the stepper motor and new wires today. The problem is the same. X won’t home properly. When I force homing x axis is loud and stutters. X will also stall while moving and I can push z plate slightly and it will start moving. Bad driver?

That sounds likely — let us know at