Shapeoko 4 XXL Wasteboard

Does anyone know where I can get a new wasteboard for my Shapeoko 4 xxl? It’s not a pro.

Did you not get the Hybrid T-track?

Or, see the drawing at:

I did! I need to replace the mdf and was hoping I could buy just the mdf.

We don’t sell the MDF separately — it’s so heavy and requires so much packaging that it’s not really workable to sell.

There are two options for making replacement slats:

  • use a tablesaw and drill
  • make them on the machine

unfortunately, the geometry of a Standard or XXL machine requires either tiling or cutting on a diagonal, or cutting the part short.



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Thank you for the help!

Here’s a file to make new spoil boards but its for the XL not the XXL
But, you could use this as a template to make a set for your XXL.
Width should be fine, just change the length and move the holes.
Its worth a try

Shapeoko Pro XL Spoil Boards.c2d (80 KB)

Check out this URL

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Thank you so much! I’ve got my husband helping me out!

For your files

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