Sometime before winter is over, hopefully.
I will be happy to do a proof read though
What is the best way to get back to you? drop my notes in here?
Thanks. You can just send me a private message with your findings/comments.
I’ll check that ePub/PDF problem tonight.
Puisque tu es de Paris de France, est-ce qu’il est possible éventuellement d’avoir la version francophone et ajouter pour Nomad Pro ? Ce serait bien cool !
C’est une grosse commande spécialement pour quelqu’un qui n’a pas un Nomad.
Yeah what @luc.onthego said, I wouldn’t be able to write about Nomad specifics since I don’t have one, and I have too much on my plate right now to consider creating a French version of the ebook… I would love to see the Shapeoko gain some traction in though!
Except you are talking to two people from French Canada.
True! I still don’t have enough time to address this right now though
If enough people are interested, I would certainly reconsider and plan to do that somewhere down the line.
Do I need to gain a specific level of usership here in order to private message? I can’t for the life of me figure out how to send a PM here. My messages tab, I don’t see “new message” and in Julien’s profile I can’t see anything that looks like send message? any thoughts?
Am I just missing the “anykey” and it’s right in front of my nose? LOL
Click on Julien’s name above and you should have the message button appear
Yeah, as I thought I had not earned the needed status to have the message button appear when I clicked on Juliens name
Thanks Will for the upgrade
I’m all set now!
@Quana: I have re-generated the PDF, it looks ok now (not sure what happened the first time, but those duplicate/empty sections are gone). I uploaded the fixed version under the same link as previously, please download it again. There is not much I can (or at least know how to…) do about where the PDF generator decides to insert page breaks, I will consult with @WillAdams, document generator extraordinaire, to see if there is something I could insert in the source files to “help” the PDF generator do better.
I also re-generated the ePub file while I was at it.
If you have the original document in Word Format, any Mac with office could easily create a PDF that is consistent with your original page layout.
I will make my notes to the newly generated v2,
thanks so much,
I get the feeling he is generating them from the online version rather then a work doc…
Yep, the source is the online gitbook, which stores files in Markdown format. The PDF is processed using this tool “pandoc”, but it’s not perfect out of the box, I may need to look into how to create a template or something.
Discussion of this here:
If you’ll let me know what aspects you’d like tweaked I’d be glad to work up a custom documentclass/package/style.
Brilliant! I guess the first thing to make this PDF a little easier to read would be to enforce page/section breaks at the start of each chapter. Since the ebook is organized into individual Markdown files per chapter, that I currently concatenate into a single text file before PDF conversion, maybe we can tell pandoc to instead take each individual file into account, and insert a page break between each.
Then go from there to figure out if other tweaks are necessary. Thanks for the help!
Okay. Refresh my memory on what one has to do to:
- download everything
- which tools need to be downloaded
- what command is run with what options to generate the LaTeX
and I’ll have something to keep me out of trouble the next time I’m watching a long tedious cut on the machine (besides answering tech support queries and kibitzing online).
here’s how I manage it for now:
- installed MikTex to have access to “pdflatex” executable
- installed Pandoc
- download the files from
- concatenate the md files and launch pandoc: I captured the associated command lines (for Windows…) in the .BAT file available here
- you can drop the line about executing the Python script, this is to preprocess the gitbook-specific “Info” tags, that are not Markdown and therefore not converted correctly by Pandoc.
Thanks again !