Well I guess that I can remove my orginal comment since I figured it out! What I did is pretty stupid. I orginally bought a Shapeoko 3 XXL. I made a fair bit of use of the shapeoko but thought it would be so much better to get a pluge head that actually used a screw well instead of belts so I bought the ZX and installed it. Of course it is much better. HOWEVER i screwed up and DID NOT figure out that the zx gearing changes it pluge. SO my shapeoko thinks the depth is drive by the belt and this is why it cuts to the wrong depth. So update the machine settings using the new version of carbide motion and presto everything works. So… Problem solved. HOWEVER… I would still like to know how in Vcarve you can set the post processor to use a shapeoko PP file. there appears to be shapeoko PP files availabe from GITHUB (Nick) but I cannot figure out how to load them. ANy help would be greatly appreaciated.
My wife bought me VCarve Desktop for Christmas.
No real experience yet but I watched a few
Of their videos yesterday and saw this one:
Vectric has bundled a post-process for our machines since v8.5.
You will need to download the post-processor in “Raw” mode and then copy it to the right place and select it.
I don’t know that that’s necessary these days though — I’m pretty sure Vectric has been bundling copy for a while now — at least they’ve been sending it out via e-mail.
Check with Vectric tech support and they should be able to assist.
I use the PP that is provided by Vectric as the default. I’m pretty sure it’s the one developed by Neil Ferreri @neilferreri that incorporates the automatic tool change.
or this one
Thanks very much for your comment. Want I found is that the shapeoko PP file was in fact selected in my machine. However I can still not find the location in the 10.5 version of the program to select it or to ensure the right one is in fact selected. Your screen shot is great but I am running on version 10.5 not 11.5 so when I start the program there are only 3 selections on the menu drop down bar. In my machine these are File Gadgets and Help. NONE of which have an option to select the post process management. My question is exactly where di I set it up in 10.5? I found after a few minutes of searching that under the tool path selection tab when you go to save a file you can select the processor. The pp was an shapeoki. My machine is now in fact working correctly. I found that the my older version of carbide motion seemed to be the problem. I loaded the new version and went through machine setup. I found that I could select the ZX machine options for the shapeoko 3. Once I did this everything worked. SO I think when I changed from the standard shapeoko belted z axis to the ZX screw type the number is different. Thus it was not a PP process issue. Not sure if people read the comments so I will add to my orginal message so everyone else would know the issue.
Thanks for the help
Thanks for your response. You are very kind to try to point me in the correct direction. The issue with this answer is that it does not help me. This video is for Version 11. I an running version 10.5 In version 11 Vetric seemed to have addressed a real weakness in the prior versions and added a “machine tab” to allow one to alter the configuration. In version 10.5 this is not offered. I found that on Neil’s page in Git Hub he show you in a animation how this can be done. It still caused me issues because the in 10.5 version the filter does not allow the pp files to viewed. HOWEVER. If you file explorer can can add any PP you wish into the folder. In this way a person can add any pp. They simply have to copy them into the directory which by the way is… C:\ProgramData\Vectric\VCarve Pro\V10.5\My_PostP … Then when build the tool path you can select the processor you wish to use in the tool path tab under the save icon. This allows one to use different machine i think.
IN any case I think I am golden now. Thanks so much for your comment.
Thanks the link you provided takes you to Neil’s Git hub page. It is thought that link I found out how to do it. I thank you for your response.
Well If i could figure out how to close this topic I would since I have now resolved the issue. My comments to the people that responded provides the answer. thanks for all the help!