Shapeoko Pro XXL CM 613 wrong jog settings

I updated to CM 613. I went through the somewhat cumbersome setup process (because it was setup just fine prior). Initialization and measuring the tool was done as per instructions. Then I jogged the Y forward and it rammed in the metal end plates. Expected (prior) behaviour would have been for it to stop at the max distance as given in the settings. Looking at the config file as show in the software I noticed the travel distance is given as 871mm. However, in reality it is much closer to 856mm (with about a 1mm gap to the metal end plate.

In previous versions this value was easy to change, but the option has been removed in 613. :sob:

I had a look around the Windows directories, but I could not find the file where to change these settings. Any pointers would be appreciated.

There appear to be two places in the settings file, where XYZ max travel distances are defined, and they do not correspond to each other.

Machine: Shapeoko
GRBL Version: 1.1f

Carbide Motion 613
Machine Controller State: INIT
Grbl Cycle: Idle

    "bitRunnerEnabled": false,
    "bitSetterEnabled": true,
    "bitSetterX": -5.5,
    "bitSetterY": -854.5,
    "bitZeroType": 2,
    "connection": 1,
    "lastConfigSent": 3,
    "lastProbeIndex": 0,
    "lastSizeOption": 0,
    "odometer": [
            "cleared": false,
            "minutes": 2.2786166666666676,
            "startDate": "2023-07-12",
            "travelX": 2215.550003528595,
            "travelY": 5056.850088581443,
            "travelZ": 717.2700042724609
    "showCarbideRouterRpm": true,
    "spindleType": 0,
    "travelX": -865.0,
    "travelY": -871.0,
    "travelZ": -95.0,
    "version": 0,
    "workOffsetX": 0.0,
    "workOffsetY": 0.0,
    "workOffsetZ": -0.08499999999999375

0 = 10, Step pulse, microseconds
1 = 255, Step idle delay, milliseconds
2 = 0, Step port invert, mask
3 = 5, Direction port invert, mask
4 = 0, Step enable invert, boolean
5 = 0, Limit pins invert, boolean
6 = 0, Probe pin invert, boolean
10 = 255, Status report, mask
11 = 0.02, Junction deviation, millimeters
12 = 0.01, Arc tolerance, millimeters
13 = 0, Report inches, boolean
20 = 0, Soft limits, boolean
21 = 0, Hard limits, boolean
22 = 1, Homing cycle, boolean
23 = 0, Homing dir invert, mask
24 = 100, Homing feed, mm/min
25 = 2000, Homing seek, mm/min
26 = 25, Homing debounce, milliseconds
27 = 3, Homing pull-off, millimeters
30 = 24000, Max spindle speed, RPM
31 = 0, Min spindle speed, RPM
32 = 0, Laser mode, boolean
100 = 40, X steps/mm
101 = 40, Y steps/mm
102 = 200, Z steps/mm
110 = 10000, X Max rate, mm/min
111 = 10000, Y Max rate, mm/min
112 = 1000, Z Max rate, mm/min
120 = 500, X Acceleration, mm/sec^2
121 = 500, Y Acceleration, mm/sec^2
122 = 270, Z Acceleration, mm/sec^2
130 = 845, X Max travel, millimeters
131 = 850, Y Max travel, millimeters
132 = 95, Z Max travel, millimeters


Travel (km) 0.00, 0.01, 0.00, 0.04 Hours since 2023-07-12

Queue Empty

You may have set the wrong machine. Carbide Motion will set the required movements of a particular size machine i.e. std, XL, XXL or one of the HDM, or Pro models.

To go back through the setup here is what Will Adams suggests:

You will need to re-run the Setup Wizard.

If there isn’t an option for this in the UI, click on the version number (after connecting to the machine?) then do “Open Data Directory”. Quit Carbide Motion, delete the Carbide Motion directory, then relaunch it — it should prompt to run the Setup Wizard.

Make sure you pick the correct machine and Z, Z-Plus/HDZ The Z-Plus is refereed to as leadscrew and HDZ is Ballscrew. Follow the setup all the way through until it is finished.

The correct thing to do here is to re-run the configuration wizard so that the machine doesn’t run into the endplates — you might need to adjust the Y-axis homing switch position so that it’s a bit further back (but still triggers reliably).

Also, have you calibrated your machine for belt stretch?

If not, I would recommend:

Thank you for the comments.

Edit: I was able to set the values that fit the machine in the .json file. Thank you for the tip with clicking on the version number.


Earlier ramblings:

You may have missed it, but this is about the Y axis, so I am not sure about the comments regarding Z.

I did re-run the wizard, same result.

There used to be an option in the UI setting, but it has been dropped, sadly.

Did you have a chance to look at the file I posted?

I wonder why within the curly brackets it shows "travelY": -871.0, whereas in the GRBL parameters is `131 = 850, Y Max travel, millimeters.

The number for X is also different between the two (865 vs. 845 mm), but Z is the same (95 mm). `

Belt stretch is set, as per procedure. I did post a thread about my findings with regards to the Shapeoko Pro a while back.

Another thing I just noticed, with this new version it is actually possible to manually jog the machine to the point where the X- / Y-sensor lights come on. This was not possible in the older versions. I do not mind it, as it gives me an extra millimeter :wink: But I thought I’d mention it.

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