I like the look of these G-Penny ones. I don’t have one but the last thing I need is another spindle… The fact there is some blue on there…
I have 2 huyang vfd’s they seem pretty good for the money. I’m sure there are better ones out there but these work and are difficult to fault. The first one I bought had over 100 settings, the next one was stripped down to about 30, the second was also significantly smaller.
On a side note the 80mm blue mounts we make are coming to the Carbide 3D store soon.
As to the coolant - I should say I don’t actually have a big unsealed bucket… It was more of a big sealed container, but I wanted something smarter, that took no room under the machine.
Here is the new setup, I made a rear panel for the machine, then made all the mounting points and an offset panel for a set of 12v computer fans and a pc radiator. The coolant pipes only go through the top drag chain now. I do have a coolant thermometer on it’s way - keen to keep an eye on it early doors. This setup should be transferable to a Shapeoko easily enough.