Epic write-up, thanks for sharing ! Please tell me this was not your first CNC, it took me much longer than a couple of months to get where you are.
Mobil Vactra #2
Yes, you just need to add (for example) a G4 P5.0 command in the section of your post-processor that generates M3 commands, this will add a 5 second delay after the spindle start command, to let it accelerate to target RPM.
I did it for VCarve, look for this part of your post processor, locate the “M3”, add the G4 Pxxx command after that:
+ Commands output at the start of the file
begin HEADER
"G4 P5.0"
You may have bottomed out the plug on that last one ? I always use a large margin such that that plug is (much) thicker than the pocket, since I’m surfacing off everything on the machine afterwards anyway.
Also, for intricate vcarve jobs, I can’t do without my collection of 20/25/30° vbits now. 25° single flute vbit being my favorite.