Sorry, I guess I should really do something about updating that! But, here’s what it was.
Workbook.pdf (57.1 KB)
But, you might find these @Julien instructions from his excellent e-book more helpful until I get around to doing that:
Pages from Shapeoko_A_to_Z_v2.pdf (245.4 KB)
You should also get this latest version of the workbook which is configured for the DeWault router (120V @ 7Amp 16000 - 27000 RPM) that shows what you should be able to do with “stock” Shapeokos with Vince’s DOC and WOC. (Makita 0701 are 120V @ 6.5 Amps 10000 - 30000 RPM).2019-09-11a Vince’s 1st 60,000 RPM with (155.1 KB)
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