Hi folks, back into it, and running into a different flavor of error from Fusion, following up on this:
I’ve found that it seems to crop up wherever the Fusion post decides to throw in a G19 plane change. An example line: G19 G3 Y5.76 Z-6.829 J-8.765 K-29.517
This hangs and gives the g2/g3 error. When I’ve tweaked my tool pathing such that this doesn’t get generated, it fixes it, but this seems like something better fixed by fixing the post. @wmoy am I missing something?
G19 should be supported, but I’m not entirely comfortable with 3 decimal places. Around line 77 in the post processor is where precision is defined. Change the “3 or 4 places” to “4 or 5 places”.
Should look something like: var xyzFormat = createFormat({decimals:(unit == MM ? 4 : 5)});
Heck, you can even try 5 or 6 places. Give that a shot and let me know how you make out, I’m curious…
CM build 4.0.428
GRBL 1.1f
Original Nomad883 (sn 137)
Update for a workaround:
line 34 is for setting circular plane allowance, where I’ve told Fusion to cut that out, and do XY plane arcs only: allowedCircularPlanes = (1 << PLANE_XY) | (0 << PLANE_ZX) | (0 << PLANE_YZ);
@neilferreri I don’t have one handy that I’ve messed with. I’ve seen the Universal Gcode sender and other stuff tossed around, but haven’t dove into those. My above workaround worked a charm though for now.
I’ve run into this as well, well I assume it’s the same issue. Created some simple toolpaths and it blows up about half way through using the latest carbide3d post processor. Attached are the screenshot etc…
I did report this to the Carbide3D support folks also.
If you’re comfortable messing around with the post processor, can you try making 2 changes:
around line 20:
tolerance = spatial(0.002, MM);
change that to
tolerance = spatial(0.0002, MM);
and around line 77:
var xyzFormat = createFormat({decimals:(unit == MM ? 3 : 4)});
change that to
var xyzFormat = createFormat({decimals:(unit == MM ? 4 : 5)});
Curious if just bumping up the precision fixes it, or if there’s a deeper issue. Could perhaps even push further. ie. Tolerance to 0.0001mm and 5-6 decimal places…
Unfortunately modifying the post processor (and verifying a change in the resultant .nc) was not successful. Tried a tolerance of .0001 and 5-6 decimal places with the same results… nc attached and a screenshot with updated motion. (on mine it was line 26 and 77)
@jcummings I checked your files and grbl does not give an error. I use Fusion 360 frequently, and I have only seen this error come up with Carbide Motion. Try CNCjs, UGS, bCNC or something else.
Can you try the 429 beta at https://carbide3d.com/carbidemotion/beta/ ? I cannot duplicate the problem but we made a small internal change to see what happens for you.
None, it just loads a blank grey outline where the application would normally be but never progresses to the % loading on the top bar… I can get a screenshot but there is no error unfortunately… I’ll check logs in a second