So about a million years ago @mbellon was kind enough to design an enclosure for my Nomad.
I wanted to be able to run it at night without disturbing my kids or wife, and I wanted to capture all the worst of the friable particles created by machining - wood, primarily. Since I live in a relatively small Brooklyn apartment, there is nowhere to tuck the machine away, so I also needed to make the enclosure look nice - or at least not objectionable.
I made the enclosure, to his specifications, and it has worked brilliantly. I have been intending to post photos and videos of it in its completed form for several years, but for idiotic reasons, haven’t done so until now. My sincere apologies, Mark, for the delay.
Here is a simple video walk-thru of the enclosure and how it works:
Here it is closed. I made it look nice enough that my wife wouldn’t openly hate it. I also put the aluminum edging on there to protect the plywood corners from getting all dinged up when we dragged bikes and stuff past it - it lived in our hallway for a long time:
Here it is from the side where I put the e-stop. You will note that the metal edging has protected it, at some cost to itself. You can also see the USB cables coming out. Not the most elegant looking solution, but it works fine:
And that is my jerry rigged vacuum adapter. It works perfectly, and cost me very little. You can easily jam the hose in there, and take it out for other uses.