When sharing files and the design uses a font that is not available on the second computer carbide create will swap fonts out and not throw any errors. This is most noticeable when opening carbide create files that were created on a PC on a mac computer. It would be very helpful if carbide create would pop up a warning box that fonts have changed.
AS a workaround, you could export the text as .svg and re-import it. It’ll be a curve now instead of a text-object and you can share it without depending on the font.
Would be great if CC offered a button to convert text to curves, btw!
There are two ways to convert text to paths:
- offset a tiny amount and then inset by that same distance — this is often a good way to fix overlapping script fonts
- Boolean operation
The workaround only works if you realize it happened. I am just asking for a quick dialog box to notify the user when it occurs, so you can implement a workaround. In my case I was trying to help another forum user and didn’t realize that it even happened until I saw the picture of his carving a day later.
I’ve put in a feature request that Carbide Create warn of missing fonts.
the nicer option is to have an “alternative” set of vectors in the file that is used if the font is not found…
e.g. do the “convert to vector” thing, but not use them if the font is found, but use them (and convert them to vectors I suppose) if the font is not found.
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