I am working on making picture frames for my wife. I did a pocket tool path for a 5x7 and the first one went well and then the second one was messed up. I first though the my stock wood slipped or the clamps were loose but the everything was secure.
I then grabbed another piece and remade the code thinking I messed it up. and it did the same thing. As each layer is pathed out the next path shifts. Please see pics. Appreciate any insights you all have!
Belt tension (see the relevant step in your instruction manual, e.g., Step 5 Belting - Carbide 3D) Note that the X-axis motor is held in place on standoffs and if those bolts are loose this can cause belt tension issues. Also, belt tension for the Y-axis stepper motors needs to be even/equivalent on each side — a significant difference can cause skipping on one side eventually resulting in lost steps on both. Measuring belt tension, squaring and calibration