Ugh...Shapeoko 4 XXL Shutting Down in Middle of Project

I was running a project for about 5 minutes when it stopped working, bringing me back to the screen below. I thought maybe I had stopped it somehow because I was on my Windows laptop then. So I reran it and it stopped about 20 minutes into it. This time I was nowhere near my laptop. Iā€™m at a loss. Any ideas?

Contact us at ā€” usually this sort of disconnect is EMI and we have a quick check and a 10-step program which works for most folks.


If it is EMI as @WillAdams said, this is what I did to solve the issue.

Grounding your Shapeoko - CNC Machines / Shapeoko - Carbide 3D Community Site


Just sent it. Thank you.

Support will help you but in the meantime follow what @Zman suggested. You do need to separate a power off from just a loss of communication. The most usual problem is static electricity sparking and causing the controller to lose communication with the computer.

There is a light on the power supply for the Shapeoko. When it disconnects check that the led is still on. If it is is then it is not likely a power outage but a loss of communication.

Static is a problem and worse during dry conditions. The moving router bit, moving air in dust collection and cutting the wood or plastic is a good static generator. Check your local weather and see what your relative humidity was today. If it is low I would suspect static. Well it is almost always static causing this.

I have noticed static electricity around the hose to our dust collection. Will an anti-static hose do the trick?

It will help. I use a Fulton Hose which I got from Peachtree ā€” apparently they are only an Amazon storefront these days.

Woodcraft has a similar one, which I bought, but never have had occasion to use:

Thank you. Ordering now.

As @WillAdams said that will help but you must do more. See the link from @Zman for a complete solution.

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Okay, I might as well be reading a foreign language. Lol! Can you link the parts I need and is there a video I can watch instead?

Support is great on this subject. They can do a video link to guide you as they look at your machine with you.


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