Unable to open Create V777

I am having he same error as his post but I am on Windows 10 v1607 with 16 GB of RAM. I have uninstall, reinstalled(both multiple times). I have also tried a plethora of other solutions for this error type to no avail.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Try checking for updates, shutting down, then restarting, then make a new Admin user and install the DLLs by hand:

For MSVCP140.dll missing see: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145
For more recent versions try: Latest supported Visual C++ Redistributable downloads | Microsoft Learn — note that it may be necessary to install both x86 and 64-bit versions.

then try installing and running.

In Win 10 you can right click on the install icon and install for all users. Sometimes it is a permission problem. In Win 11 they changed when you right click the installer the option is to run as administrator.

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Is there a specific reason it would need to be installed by a new Admin user?

I uninstalled and reinstalled Visual C++ and my laptop has MSVCP140.dll this did not work

I even wiped my laptop to ensure there were no conflicts with other programs potentially and still the issue persists(all windows updates are installed).