Upgrading 9mm belts to 15mm

That’s a well described set of goals.

I had some similar goals when I did the rail and belt upgrade to the X axis of my SO3 XXL with HDZ. I went through and looked for all the sources of deflection and backlash in order to understand what the relative benefits of fixing different elements would be

One thing to note is that on an XL or XXL you have inherently more deflection than on the regular SO3. The small machine has really rigid beams for it’s size, the XL and XXL sizes are much more flexy (like an order of magnitude more) due to length so you will not achieve the same sort of performance the likes of Dan and Vince got on their regular sized SO3s. Same applies to the baseboard but you can (and should) reinforce that.

That’s actually pretty good, as Nick says, a single flute can be the tool of choice, I’ve had good results with DLC coated single flutes. I also learned a lot about the forces on the cutter and how they interacted with my machine from Spargeltarzan and his app Millalyzer.

Yep, all consistent with what I found. It’s not a simple single resonance, it’s a whole bunch of undamped deflection modes all over the machine from the Z nod around the V wheels to X beam flex, deflections in all three DoF in the Y rail V wheels, the bed trampolining around etc.

I believe a major part of the vibration is positive feedback between cutting forces and spindle nodding which is much worse at higher DoC, thus the WoC preference many users have determined.

Be careful with belt tension, the stepper shafts are already close to their working limits at the recommended tensions and there is no reduction in deflection or backlash through increasing belt tension above the minimum required to avoid a slack side under stepper power. You’ll just wear out motor shafts, V wheels and belts faster for no benefit.

Yep, several of the key deflection modes, you might enjoy the deflection tables in my long post linked above :wink:

If you really want to chew Aluminium I’d suggest selling the S03 and buying a pro as your starting point. If you like to upgrade and mess with your machine then by all means. If so I’d suggest the order of benefit is;

  1. Support the baseboard properly, keep it rigid and square, it’s not really up to the job on it’s own
  2. Linear rails on the X axis to control the HDZ
  3. Linear rails on the Y axes
  4. Mess with the belts, the parts from the later machines are probably the best way to do this, I found 15mm width 20T GT2 pulleys to be tricky to find