I wasn’t able to justify automatic tool change (having a compressor running constantly is not something I want to get involved in) — but I was able to justify getting a spindle (milling motor) w/ a quick change tool mechanism which I’ve been very impressed with:
Requires making an adapter plate, and I still haven’t worked up dust collection quite as nicely infinitely adjustable as a Sweepy, but it makes for much nicer/faster tool changes than even the ER-11 collet units.
I would suggest putting two e-mails in:
- one to sales@carbide3d.com to discuss where you are and what you want
- a second in to support@carbide3d.com to check your Carbide Compact Router — at normal speeds it shouldn’t overheat
For optimizing feeds and speeds and material removal rate I like the technique the Precise Bits folks suggest: