Using "Advanced VCarve" in Carbide Create 461 to make Inlays

I’ve just tried an inlay using CC 5.14 Pro’s advance VCarves, but with doing two separate advance vcarves for the top/plug. I saw this in a post from @ColdCoffee in a thread started by @Julien My first inlay project One starting at 0 depth with a max depth of 0.1 in. for the initial clearing out and then another starting at 0.1 in with a max depth of 0.2 in. for the final depth. This is with the base cut starting at 0 with a max depth set to 0.15 in.

InlayTestTop.c2d (129.2 KB) InlayTestBottom.c2d (125.1 KB)

While this takes longer to cut from the above method, it’s a little more brainless while performing the actual cuts. In the photos, the base is MDF and the top is very brittle 1/4 in. popular. It did not cut well and some pieces chipped off… But it was good enough for the proof of concept.

After being glued and sanded:

It would be really nice if the top didn’t chip…

So… Did I get lucky, or should this method work OK all of the time?