I’ve watched a few videos to help create a stacked text piece but the bottom word …at the first bottom layer of the stock always looks strange after the top text is added …the centers of the letters don’t cut like you think they would …any simple solutions or suggestions guys ? Annnd…how can u speed up the process ??
Post your C2D file, we shouldn’t have to re-create your project to see what is going on.
Kind of looks like you aren’t handling the open centers of those three letters (ABA) correctly during the boolean operation.
Try using the “Union” boolean for the 2nd layer, rather than weld or smart weld.
if you’re still stuck, please post your file as @mhotchin suggested.
Thanks for the kind suggestion. I’ll try and do that a little later .
I see you’re using carbide create pro . Unfortunately I’m not using that program but I am grateful for ur insight. I’m going to keep at it and will be posting that information later that may help .
Thanks again
The instructions I linked do not use any Pro features.
If you get stuck, post the file and we will walk through it with you.
Upload your .c2d file and we will walk through it with you.
Do I not have to be connected to my machine in order to pull my cd,file up ?
Please use the Upload button in your reply:
to include the .c2d file.
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