Using symbol for heights

Is it possible to use t to represent the height of a part without it doing an immediate substitution?


I want to create a dado that’s the thickness of my material, but like parameters for cut depth etc, I want to use t and not have it immediately replace the value. At the momnet, with a stock thickness of 18mm, if i put t in there, it subsitutes the stock thickness actual value - which breaks if I change the stock thickness.

Yes, use t.



(referenced from: 2D Drawing | Design into 3D )

If I use t it replaces it with the current stock thickness and that doesn’t change with the actual thickness change. So if I doi it once for 18mm thick stock, then change the stock to 12mm the height remains as 18mm


Yeah, dado width is a sensible use for t, and the fact that it auto-updates to a numeric value when you use it in Design (rather than Toolpaths) seems like a bug to me.

Dimensions set in the Design pane do not have persistent variables.

The only dimension which is persistent is t when used for Toolpath depths.

So…this would be a candidate to add as a product improvement???

That would be a question for @robgrz