Does anyone have cad file plans for a vacuum table for XXL? I am really shocked that Carbide has not done a project plan on how to build a nice vacuum table for Shapeoko.
Does anyone have cad file plans for a vacuum table for XXL? I am really shocked that Carbide has not done a project plan on how to build a nice vacuum table for Shapeoko.
@edwardrford did one a while back:
Thank you for the quick reply. Do you know where I can download a CAD file for the XXL pro waste board bed? I want to design a new VAC table and use some of the waste board mounting holes.
That has not been published.
I drew up an individual filler strip:
Hybrid T-track slats - XXL.c2d (110.5 KB)
You could rotate it and duplicate it, and arrange the duplicates at a suitable distance measuring based on the techniques at:
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