(Jeff Peters)
January 2, 2020, 1:04pm
Neil Thank you that was a very good explanation of what the arc commands were all about.
And yes we all need to have a process in place to do tool changes that work.
Thanks Jeff
(Ivan Nix)
January 7, 2020, 3:46pm
I started a new topic to discuss recommendations, I see a lot of good ideas for making this bit setter really be good tool.
I haven’t seen a talk specifically for requested features using the bit setter. I have seen in many post recommendation and work flow issues. So opening this up to get one started.
Here are my things.
Changing Bits, when changing bit, it brings the gantry all the way forward. This hangs the bit over the edge of the rail. I see a bit hitting the floor from that. I would rather have the bit change over the work space or a defined area of my choosing, prefer of my choosing. I use a sp…
February 6, 2020, 3:46pm
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