Vertical jig for "any tail" joinery

This is my first post in the Carbide3D community forums :slight_smile:

I’ve been watching a ton of YouTube videos while waiting for my Shapeoko Pro to arrive. This morning, I stumbled across this video which shows a wide range of creative alternatives to traditional dovetail joints. The video creator has made a jig which allows the end of the piece to be oriented vertically under the CNC mill.

This post discusses some alternative approaches.

How are folks carving dovetail-like joints today?


I put the jig which I worked up at:

(there are others)

Unfortunately, the Pro reduces the overhang cutting area — looks like we’ll need to work up a new design (I was thinking removing one of the T-track extrusions and modifying it to integrate workholding w/ a suitable opening beneath the machine).

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Thanks Will. I was.also thinking about creating an opening in the table and using the approach you outlined.

My machine arrived yesterday and I still need to build my table, but I would love to work with you on this with you once I’m up and running.

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