Awesome, that’s a step in the right direction. Did you have to change anything else or just the power supply?
Been doing some research on smaller degree steppers to try to increase resolution and it was said you would lose tq. This might be a way to even the playing field!
I upped the voltage, essentially no useful change. I switched to a different stepper with more torque, and got some more torque. That was a positive improvement. Then I switched to an UNO R3 with a GRBL board and external stepper drives with 48v power supplies. That made a much bigger difference. Strangely, also ran significantly quieter which I didn’t expect. Better acceleration (enough to break belts), gobs or torque. Switched to kevlar belts and thats not a problem any more. I just got a SuperGerbil board, working to set that up now. I’m spectacularly unhappy with the keyestudio grbl board, and when I started looking for a replacement I got distracted…supergerbil seems to have a whole lot of activity, which grbl doesn’t, requires different hardware but can be run by any grbl compatible sender and it got my attention more than a better grbl shield for the UNO.