Way Flag - Depth of Waves?

How do I adjust the depth of the waves in a 3D project.

I am using CC Pro and a 3XL machine.

I used a shared file to carve a wavy flag on 3/4 inch stock. To me, the depth of the wavy curves was not enough.

I glued up some 2x4’s, set the stock height to 1.5" and tried to manipulate the toolpaths in “model” to get it to cut deeper.

It did cut slightly deeper but still not enough.

Any insight on how to go about this?

This was discussed a bit at:

Basically, it’s a matter of scaling the Z-axis (w/in the limits of the stock dimensions).


I am able to scale the X & Y axis, the Z is the issue for me.

Have you updated to v8? It makes this easier:

Upload the file you are having trouble with?

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Hello LewTube,

This was the best tutorial that I have found as of late. I went step by step and had great results. Take a look and I hope it helps.

Finally found the flag I made over a 4 years ago for a friend (Sample Demo). Detail in the badge has weathered a bit since I didn’t sand or finish it but you can see what I was talking about.