Well it was bound to happen

During a tool change I dropped my endmill and chipped the tip

It was the first time I did it, I’m guessing not the last

Maybe I’ll 3d print a small catch tray for my Shapeoko …



3d print a hollow cylinder 3x3 and then line it with a peice of foam .5" for the bottom and like .25 for the sides.

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Bitcatcher.STL (45.9 KB)

I was bored. angled for convenience id suggest foam around the bottom and sides still. Hole made for m6 screw.

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haha thats awesome!

I always seem to have them drop right on the edge of the MDF and bounce off, so im working on a small container to hang off the edge

Well, gonna print it and give it a whirl…

Oh do you have the gantry shifted forward? If so care to show your setup?

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Well, it comes to the front right corner for tool change, right next to the bit setter. so when I go to loosen the collet the tool falls out, bounces off, and hits the floor

Yes but how deep is your tray and you should still foam line it I’m still kindof confused on how it works cause it looks like it just overhangs and if thats the case wouldnt it just drop out hit the upper part and then potentially bounce over and hit the floor anyways?

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i set it 13mm deep. I can always put foam in it, or a folded paper towel. or maybe make a mat to go inside with TPU.

once I print it and test it, can always improve it :slight_smile:

Well my night time fixes aren’t always right the first time

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I came to with 2 semi final versions, I may add a tongue to stick out to protect the aluminum, but I don’t think that’s as big of a deal,


Maybe you need to make one of these:

from this oldie-but-goodie thread: Death in the Family (#201)


I have a plastic tray under t he tool change position. I keep my most used bits and my wrench for the router in there. Plus my 1/8" collet. The tray was a clearance item from somewhere that is like a silver ware drawer individual tray. My only complaint is it collects dust. I do keep one end clear of bits and things so the bit drops in without clanking against my wrench. But usually I have the wrench in my hand loosening the bit.

When I built my torsion box on top of my table I made about 8" of table top on the front side of my Shapeoko to give me a place to lay my calipers, rulers and etc.


That’s hilarious!

My dad suggested I do something from his days of working at a machine shop and wear it around on a hat for a day, since I dropped it

I made my catch tray from a 1 inch thick piece of Kaizen foam I had left over from a tool drawer project. It works great.


All good ideas! My backup (which is also more comfortable for standing) is to use some cheap interlocking foam mats on the shop floor in front of the CNC table. I also have them in front of other benches. Cheap from HF, etc. Easy to move around if the CNC table is mobile, but they stay in place well on the floor once down.