What did you cut on your Shapeoko/ Nomad today?

To those in the Community,

I want to open an avenue of discussion about making things. I’m making things here, at HQ, every week. Let’s talk projects, processes, materials, designing, selling, finishing and anything else you think of or have questions about.
I will be posting these lightly produced videos full of information and my thoughts.
Ask me project questions / Post your ideas on how to take these projects to the next level

Let’s get everyone going on projects, learning and getting wins with their builds.

Per the suggestions below I have started a new thread for this purpose. Subscribe to the thread, chime in and let’s build some terrific stuff: Projects and Learning with Kevin of Carbide 3D

Here’s #1, a birthday gift for a friend. Made and Given on the same day: Community Project Video: Skate Earrings on Vimeo


Good idea Kev, but it should have its own thread. It will get lost here I think.


I really like that idea but I agree that it may get lost in this post. Maybe a sticky in the gallery?

Where did you get the files for the chess pieces? I have made several using a lathe duplicator and a modern (Squarish) set but have always wanted to make a Staunton set.

This was primarily a table saw project. I used the Shapeoko to carve the crown on the drawer front. I also included a set of checkers. I made the chess board by first gluing up alternating strips of oak and mahagoney, then cutting that into squares and then gluing the alternating strips into the chess board on a plywood base and finished by making the mahagoney border. The box was a simple two pieces pocket screwed to the bottom of the board and the 2 drawers on wooden rails with stops in the back.

This almost complete set was made with a PSI duplicator tool with steel templates. My lathe is a Jet 12-21 VS with the PSI duplicator. They still sell the duplicator but have reduced the available templates but still have the chess templates. The Knights are not shows because at the time I had not finished them. You cut them round and then apply a paper template and finish cutting the Knight on a scroll saw to get the horse outline.

Nice set you carved.


There is a set on Thingiverse:

Per the suggestions above I have started a new thread for this purpose. Subscribe to the thread, chime in and let’s build some terrific stuff: Projects and Learning with Kevin of Carbide 3D


Will I downloaded the files from thingverse.com and opened them in the PC application 3d Model (MS). How would you suggest converting them so I can carve them with CC Pro.

I bought them from ETSY both the Egypt and the standard pieces, here is the link, also the seller Federico is awesome will walk through with you if you want and answer any questions you may have. He is in Rome so there is a time difference but I have struck up a friendship with him. So tell him I sent you! CHESS / Cnc Chess / 3d Chess / Chess File / Router Chess Set / - Etsy

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I love PSI for my pen needs and have bought from them. Your set is awesome and i made my board by cutting the squares out of walnut and sycamore, then used the Shapeoko to cut pockets into a larger piece of walnut and sycamore then set my squares in the pockets after embedding magnets and ran through the planer. After i went back to the back of the board in the other squares to embed magnets. If that makes sense?


You will need a 3D CAM tool such as MeshCAM, or you could use Carbide Create Pro.

No, .82" thick cherry

@TonyMurray - Having a bit of difficulty finding the link for the Egypt chess pieces MiniMega, referenced here. Haven’t used Etsy before, perhaps you could PM me the link?
Great work on your chess set and board!

I PMd you the link for the Egyptian pieces! The file is good quality but does take some working to be able to cut multiple pieces at a time. @MikeG

Thanks again @TonyMurray!
I’ve done a number of flip-3D pieces and don’t anticipate any issues setting this up. Will certainly reach out to you if I do though.

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Glad to help that is what I like about the forum and the community, free thoughts, ideas, and sharing with the passion of creating, woodworking, and crafting being the most important part fo all of us!


Wow, excellent, great job. How will you finish them?

Funny thing is I havent yet lol lookong at options abd best way no thinking butcher block finish.

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I finally got closer to the max size of my XL without tiling on a sign I made. 24 inches wide by 16 inches deep. It was also my first crack at two different colours on a piece. Stained the whole thing first and then painted the lettering after.


Nice work, Did you hand paint the letters (if so you have a steady hand) or did you use tape (a film or something) to cover the stained wood, then rout the letters and use the tape (or whatever) as a template (covering everything but the lettering) and spray paint the lettering?

I have the opposite of a steady hand. I used oramask to cover everything and then carved it. I had read about it on the forum before. I did still hand paint it but won’t do that again. I will spray it next time I try something like this.