What did you cut on your Shapeoko/ Nomad today?

My son’s neighbor gave me a chunk of walnut, with an actual walnut grown into the tree.
Been waiting for something to make of it. I started calling my grand-daughter, “squirrel”
So it seemed just right…

Then I figured I should quit goofing around & make some real parts…


it a little s-q-u-i-r-l-l-y. :smile: :chipmunk:


Just for fun I made some Mandalorian coins for a neighbor who always goes as some Star Wars character for Halloween.

I bought the STL file and had a scrap piece of walnut that was 1.75x18.5 by .3" thick.

I created a vector to define the circle to import the model into. It had some raised writing on the side which was going to be impossible for me to get to turn out right given the dimensions. So, I created a couple of vectors for the flat spots where the letter would go and excluded those from the 3D toolpaths. Then I traced (more or less) all the letters. I used a ridiculously small advanced V Carve for the lettering. It of course created a lot of fuzzies that I was able to clean a portion of. It is still not readable, but I don’t speak Mandalorian anyway. I think it gets the point across. Probably would have looked better if I had either found a way to skip the text or simply engraved rather than having it raised as the model indicated. It was scrap so why not. And besides it will be dark when I give them to him.


6061 Test equipment control panel. The PLC simulator in the background was also cut on the Shapeoko 3 XL. More test equipment to come.


My kids are into making clay earrings which they are selling in local markets. They we’re about to buy off Temu some display racks but instead I made them some using upcycled pine doors for an old DIY TV cabinet I picked up off the street. Not my most artistic piece of work but functional and saved a few bucks :smiley:


I finished my first box today.

This thread has more details around the material and process: 3D Design Question - #11 by CullenS

Since then I applied Watco Medium Walnut Danish Oil at the request of my customer (11 year old daughter). After a few days to allow that to dry I added a couple of coats of shellac.

I am happy with it and I think she is as well.
The lid fits super nice and has a crisp little snap as it closes.


Nice! The lighter wood tone along the top gave you a good light sky tone and snow cap on the mountain.

Well-planned or “happy accident” it turned out really well.

I’m sure you’ll have a returning customer! LOL


Thanks. It was a happy accident. I don’t know if I can repeat that. Maybe a good use case to take a picture of the stock and import.

I plan to make 2 or 3 more for other girls in her riding group.


Went looking for a 1/4" ID barb to 1/16" NPT fitting for a vacuum thingy I’m working on and could not for the life of me find one that either wasn’t brass or wasn’t ridiculously expensive. I’ve been wanting to try out the flip jig for a while so I figured I’d try and make one!

Got a CAD model of both a 1/4" barb to X NPT and an X barb to 1/16" NPT and cut 'em in half and spliced 'em together.

It isn’t finished yet, I still need to cut a hole down through it, but considering it was just an experiment to play with the flip jig I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.





Mas Billet

Double side machining with softjaws that have a built in reference bore for probing


You are driving innovation!

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Test cut for a Magic: The Gathering, Commander variant organizer:

Some dice pockets were upside down, others weren’t oriented correctly, and I will be making a more intentional pattern at the bottom of the Command Zone, and then I’ll need to make it a two-sided cut w/ a couple of add-ons, and will have to source material to cut in all the appropriate colours.


Pirate swag!


Do you have pictures of the soft jaw setup I’d love to see it?


Decided to try and organize my bits as having them all in a big pile was starting to get annoying. Made this for my 1/8th ones.

Freshly cut

Cleaned up

With the bits

Going to make a small acrylic lid to go on top and might try and cut some feet outta the bottom there.


First project using new bit setter and advanced V carve. Wedding gift. Cherry wood with Alder insert.


finished the 3rd out of a total of 4 of these keychains I had machined the first side of. one of them failed due to my error, but these three are perfect! or at least as perfect as a two sided operation using only an amazon touch probe can be.

the worst error on one of them is about .19mm the other two, my amazon calipers cant tell the difference.

after a little use or tumbling, im sure it would pretty much disappear.


I really liked that bit holder I made yesterday so I figured I’d make another, this time for all my pcb milling bits

Freshly finished

Filled with the bits


They look like they were cast. Did you just pocket out the square or make the whole thing?
Is it zinc?

nope machined each one out of brass.