What did you cut on your Shapeoko/ Nomad today?

Our Cub Master wanted some plaques for popcorn sales and wanted them to look like popcorn boxes.

I didn’t want to cover nice wood completely with paint so I used PVC. This is what I came up with.

It still needs a little cleanup and a clear coat to give it shine. I am not happy about the visible brush strokes. I masked the whole thing to make painting after carving a little less messy but still have some issues.

I used a #302 for the V carving bits and then an 1/8” O flute bit and a 1/16” upcut.

It took a lot of cleanup after the carve mostly from the V as someone mentioned in a previous thread even though I had RPM pretty low and feed up high. After painting I decided to do a test (should have done it first).

On the left I used the same set of bits but ran the V carve passes twice. It didn’t really help.

On the right I used only the 1/8” O flute and a 1/16” O flute that I forgot I had. So the letters are “square” instead of having the V appearance but the cleaning will be MUCH less.

I guess 2nd and 3rd will get nicer looking plaques than 1st unless I have an abundance of time.