What is my best option for SVG image

I have an image that i assumed the best way to get detail was to make an SVG with CutRocket - Halftone generator
i have imported the image into CCPro.
i will use the image and redraw the circular parts and text. My question is on the lower part of the image, the “city, forest, and sea” what is my best option with either a 1/8" ball or 90/60 vee.
thanks for your time.
Sorry i tried to paste the c2d file but it was too large
Also, since it is an image of dots, i made the smallest 1/8
If there is any suggestion on a better way from start to finish im all ears


Do you have access to a better quality original?

I found:

much of which could be easily re-drawn or re-set, see:

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Okay, I can’t resist:

First, Job Setup to Album size:

Load the image on the background and set it to the right size:


The text is Eurostile by Aldo Novarese, so we set that:

and convert to paths (for folks who don’t have the font)

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Then, begin drawing the circles and so forth:

Where possible, dupe geometry and use Trim Vectors to create shapes:

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Adjust as necessary for the photographic distortion of how the original was made:

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Fiddling a bit with the pixel image we arrive at a pixel image which when traced:

can be combined with the drawn elements using Node Editing and Join Vectors to arrive at:

which just wants a bit of cleaning up.

Attached as a v7 file.

betterthan.c2d (756 KB)


You are like an incredible AI :slight_smile: @WillAdams
Thank you again for the lesson and your kindness.
I was attempting the image while watching you make it look so easy. This was a neat geometry and cool learning experience with this design.
Your time is really appreciated. Your gift of the file comes with time back to me and less gray hairs.

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