Switch to the Design tab and select the Curve tool and click at each place you need points. For folks not familiar w/ Bézier curves these are:
points of inflection
extrema at the north/south, east/west points
usually off-curve nodes should be roughly one-third of the way towards the center of the curve — 30% is the specific number usually cited, hence terming this the “Rule of 30”.
and see: Let's draw an "ellipse" with new users — note that you may want to turn off View | Snap to grid (it can also help to turn it on to ensure that things are symmetrical/aligned).
If nodes are smooth, then the placement of off-curve nodes is not just smooth (in-line with the on-curve node), but also symmetrical where the off-curve nodes are equi-distant from the on-curve node. To adjust this, click-hold-drag on the off-curve node, press ALT, and drag it to where you wish it to be:
Note that the element which you wish to punch through should have a solid selection, and the element which you are punching with should have a dashed appearance: