So frustrated thinking about selling

Carbide Create is still in development:

so is a moving target in terms of documentation. That said,

should be pretty much up-to-date, and suggestions and corrections there would be welcome (send me a PM).

and we specifically disclaim offering on-site training:

There have only been a couple of occasions when folks have found the custom step-by-step tutorials unworkable — one person described the sort of adjustments necessary for preparing clip-art so as to make it ready to cut ( Converting line art for drawing ) “garbage”, in another instance, a tutorial was immediately invalidated by an updated feature in Carbide Create.

The best way which we have at this time for folks to get assistance w/ Carbide Create when they find the online video tutorials don’t suit their needs is to contact us at and we will work up a custom tutorial which meets their needs, i.e.,

If anyone needs to do anything in Carbide Create which isn’t covered in the documentation which they can’t find in the above, write in to us at and we’ll do our best to assist — if this requires creating a custom tutorial, we will. A lot of terminology is explained in the above posts, and we will of course do our best to help people understand any phrasing or concepts which they do not understand.