I have used many software applications and cannot seem to make sense of how this feature is intended to be used in Carbide Create. I have some very simply geometry that I imported as SVG and now simply trying to group these various features together. All I want to do is to punch out the holes in the lettering so that it is all one entity. The reason is if I try to center the whole works, it treats every entity as a separate thing and then jumbles them altogether in a clump. Yes, I’ve tried selecting both entities with the CTRL key, and then every combination of the 3 available Boolean operations…UNION, INTERSECT and SUBTRACT…none of which perform what I want it to do.
CorelDraw allows objects to be created which don’t respect the winding rule for PostScript (when following the path, the left should be towards the fill) — this may be confusing it.
It also looks as if you have multiples of some paths (the bottom counter in o, the counter in e)
I believe that if you clean up / optimize this to make it a single compound object w/ correct path direction it will then “just work” in Carbide Create — wash the SVG through Inkscape which does afford tools to fix this sort of thing. If you wish, you could post it here and I’ll take a look at it and see what’s involved in fixing it and write down those specifics.