Z-Axis Error after Z-Axis upgrade

I z offset from a set surface and it will return to the same z height to zero work offset. However, when I retract upwards 8 mm for example and use a 8mm thick gage block, it is off by almost half (Carbide reads 8mm but it’s actually 16mm from the z work offset surface. I suspect the new screw has a steeper pitch so each step motor turn results in more z travel. I wish there was a step by step guided to ensure the settings are calibrated well or if there’s a hardware issue.

When you install new hardware, particularly with a Z-axis, you need to run the Setup Wizard again when you open Carbide Motion.


I ran the setup. I’m hoping to get a clear step by step guide to fine tune the machine instead of relying on some automated software.

Fine tuning shouldn’t be necessary.

That said, for calibration see:

If you’re off by double, you’re not ‘fine tuning’, you’ve got something wrong in the setup. You probably chose the wrong Z axis type, but since you didn’t provide any information about your machine, we can’t tell.

Upload a picture of your machine and the Z axis.

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