After one month, I have almost given up on my XL. The assembly instructions are horrible, but I’ve managed to muddle through…until now.
I have a Z-axis plate…I have a loop of belt. I try to put them together and I have a HUGE amount of leftover belt. In the assembly instructions, there are pictures of the X-axis carriage, the Z-axis plate and then, a picture of them connected. It’s like, “Here is step 1. Here is step 2. Here is step 7.” I almost feel like I am missing a pulley…or something. Does ANYBODY have a picture of the belt routing to share? I’m desperate here.
Am I the only one who is having this much trouble putting this machine together?
A million thank-you’s go out to you! I am missing a pulley! On page 19 (page 27 of the document, the last drawing on the page, it shows a third pulley. I only have 2. It seemed odd that I would have a tensioning screw there with nothing to tension.
Edit: much nicer to have “see-through” drawings to work with!!!
I recently found this CAD model of the Shapeoko:
It helped me a lot. Just download the model in your favorite file format.
Maybe this could be included in the manual…
@darkwingduck much appreciated. I found the problem. I am missing a pulley. Hopefully there is a source where I can purchase one. Otherwise I spent a ****load of money on a machine that does nothing.
My frustration grows daily. Absolutely zero documentation came with my XL, and now a rather critical piece was never attached. I’ve spent my time getting used to the software and “pieces” of it are making sense…just no machine to use it on.