I have a strip of white LEDs that I want to mount beneath the X-gantry, and ideally power from the Carbide Motion v2.4e controller PCB (to avoid having more power cables, etc).
It looks like there is a PWR molex connector at the right centre edge of the PCB, and above it some un-pinned holes labelled 5v and GND. Are these sensible to use, given the current draw of probably 200mA?
Yes, 24V rail will be the most abundant, given this is likely only limited by the power brick. I need to think about heat from stepping 24 down to 5v for the LED strip: 24v-5v=19v at 250ma is 4.75w to lose as heat, either that or I will see if I have a car USB charger stick I can plunder the PCB from to get a switch-mode step-down and drop the power loss to 100mw or so.