August 9, 2022, 11:10pm
I’m trying to figure out a way to use a .25 end mill to remove most of a pocket and then a .125 to finish out the detail. This would save a ton of time. Any ideas? Thanks, y’all.
(William Adams (Carbide 3D))
August 9, 2022, 11:51pm
This is known as “Rest” machining — it is a feature in Carbide Create Pro:
(NEW) Rest Machining for CC Pro. (Need a better error message when no toolpath is required)
I have the new feature in CC that is Rest Machining. I read about what rest machining is in other CAD applications. Basically it cleans up what a larger tool cannot get to in a tool path.
So my question is in CC when a tool path is generated and you check Rest Machining is another tool path generated to get what is missed by a larger tool. The dialog box asks for the previous diameter.
In my tool path I chose a 1" fly bit to pocket a rectangle.
The preview shows the left…
Alternately, one can do the geometric hoops to separate the areas which need to have the smaller tool applied:
This is known as “rest” machining.
At this time, Carbide Create does not support this feature — one can do it manually by insetting by the endmill diameter, then outsetting by the diameter:
resulting in:
resulting in:
Draw in geometry which defines the area you wish to work with and duplicate the original:
drag the original back into alignment and select it and the drawn in geometry and do a Boolean intersection:
then select the o…
August 10, 2022, 2:26pm
Thank you so much. This helps!
September 8, 2022, 11:10pm
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