Box-o-Matic id a tool that generated SVG files for various box/ joinery styles. Seems similar to some features in VCarve that does similar stuff.
I am waiting on my 5 which will be my first CNC but currently make boxes mostly via a router jig or by hand. I am hoping the CNC can help especially with drawers that can be very tedious if you have a lot to build
The problem is, these designs are workable because they assume the narrow kerf of a laser.
I looked into using such generators on our machines at:
There are a lot of other joinery options, esp.:
which is discussed at:
and which I looked into at:
The SO5’s optional overhang allows one to cut traditional joinery if one builds a vertical fixture, and are willing to commit to the additional operations which that entails.
I’ve been working on a joinery technique:
which has been successful to the point that I’ve begun a serious project using it — have the stock, and it’s mostly drawn up — should be cutting this evening or the next.
If you have a box style and dimensions (height, width, depth, stock thickness and lid style)
I’ve done sliding:
and hinged:
Let me know and I’ll gladly work up step-by-step instructions for drawing it up in Carbide Create.
If you have any other ideas or suggestions, I’d be glad of them.
If you’re willing to allow visible voids, and endgrain.
A cabinetmaker whom I learned an awful lot from, hanging out in his shop after school (he was my great aunt’s bridge partner’s husband) had this to say about endgrain in a piece of wood:
It’s like a person’s belly button — you know a person has one, but you probably don’t want to see it.
In some cases I think it is a cool part of the aesthetic, but usually laminated material like baltic birch. But that may just be the old skateboarder in me.