Belt Stretch and Stepper Holding Measured

$555, including shipping, to the US. Plus about $200 for a VFD from elsewhere. Yeah, their power numbers seem a bit optimistic, the math doesn’t entirely add up. They did offer an explanation for this, but I’m waiting until I have it in my hands to take my own measurements. I’ll post about it here once I’ve had a chance to try it.

Even if it’s under-powered, it’s still about where I want to be “for now”, for my upgraded SO3. I’m thinking about building a from-scratch CNC with what I learn from all this experimenting, and that’ll be when I consider splurging more on the spindle(s).

That’s interesting about SFM vs cutting power. I’ll have to try pushing it above 3000 and see what happens :slight_smile:

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Excellent testing and documentation. These results intrigue me and I plan to duplicate them with some nice testing equipment at work I have access to. I plan to complete the following tests:

Pull polyester and steel-cored belts with 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 pounds-force and measure strain.

Bonus test - run cyclic testing of 0 to 50 lbs-f loads and see if the belts undergo any degradation.

Anyone else have other thoughts on some useful tests to try?


Use Shapeoko stock pulleys and document belt part/lot numbers?

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I don’t have a way to mount the pulleys in the testing apparatus. I intend to clamp directly onto the belts.

If the belt part/lot numbers are on the belts, I will. Otherwise I have no information on them other than materials.

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This could be useful testing device


Right, so the machines (Instrons) I have access to are much faster and more accurate versions of what he makes in this video.


Great - I’m interested in whatever you learn. Do you have access to a dynamometer for the measurements? FYI - Piotr and I are continuing our discussion about his “2.5 kW” Jianken ATC spindle.

No, I was just going to measure actual input power to the spindle. If there is a straightforward way for me to measure output torque and power, I’d be interested in trying that, too.

@AlexN may I ask what kind of cutting forces were you seeing when cutting aggressively.

Estimated? I forget, somewhere around 6lbs according to @gmack spreadsheet, I believe. Running around 90% of the Makita’s estimated output power, 30k rpm, .25” single flute. I’d have to look up the exact DOC, etc. which I don’t have handy, but I want to say around 5mm DOC and 1.25 WOC? Going off memory.

I don’t know the actual force. I feel like there were some parts of the cut (large circular adaptive clears) where deflection from prior passes may have left enough behind that the momentary force exceeded what the X stepper could hold, also taking into account that the 18lbs max holding force will drop off at speed when a stepper starts moving fast.

So, I think the X stepper had enough holding power in theory for the Makita, but when combined with the belt stretch, I’d sometimes be biting off much more than expected.

Definitely a healthy bite. I’m guessing you could hear chatter on the heavy circular cuts as well, especially transitioning from Y to X right? I know these belts have a bit of give but imo the X wheels do not deal well with the axial loading and unloading.

Have you seen the Millright megaV with its rack and pinion drives? It should be very interesting to see how those perform when they start coming out. Also one tip on long term use for steel cores, they don’t like being over tightened and they do have a lifespan.

I think we can all agree on belts not being the golden ticket but they are very good for a hobby machine in terms of maintenance, ease of use, and backlash.

Super interesting thread
Subscribed :slightly_smiling_face:


Wow that’s a big bite, but how fast are your feed? I have a rigid machine but that much stepover i would just dream of :slight_smile:

Yes, there were definitely directions of heavier chatter… it’s been a few weeks now, so I can’t remember which part of the circle it was on. The V-wheels on mine, I couldn’t measure much deflection just pulling on the router (but maybe cutting is different). For sure belt stretch would differ a lot, transitioning X to Y.

Super interesting about the new MillRight, I hadn’t seen that… the rack and pinion would address the belt stretch and the rest of the SO3 seems pretty solid already, so that looks pretty beefy.

Steel belts do feel like a good sweet spot for most things. I guess MillRight got R&P into budget by manufacturing it in house…?

@ydrefalk 160 IPM, give or take. Normally I’ve been cutting about half that depth at that speed, but I was working on a large 24”x12”x1” piece and was getting impatient… I wouldn’t repeat those settings on my machine without additional upgrades. It vibrated my Makita to death, actually - the speed dial broke and it is stuck on min speed. Guess I’ll have to buy that spindle sooner than I was planning :slight_smile:

Also, what problems have you seen with over-tightening and lifespan of the steel belts?

Oh well, I guess steel (and Kevlar?) belts may not be practical solutions after all!

Well it points to having to keep an eye out for any failure and change them more often but it may still be a good option for those who require a high level of precision. People who have purchased replacement belts normally have a fairly large quantity on hand as they are often sold 10m at a time.


Maybe keeping track of machine and/or spindle cumulative run times with something like this would help?

That device also measures router input power which can also be useful.

Also, maybe Gates’ newer GT3 belts are better than their predecessors? Is everyone using/evaluating Gates (vs Chinese) GT2 belts?


Would love to try the GT3 belts, but have not had an opportunity. I do have a 110v hobbes meter set up on my router switch (cheap, easy)

I don’t know - they seem to have actually worked quite well - “not practical” is maybe a little strong. The fiberglass belts stretch pretty continuously. The steel don’t, but eventually give up. Kevlar has worked pretty well for me.

Sounds like Kevlar belt testing would be worthwhile. Do you have a particular brand and/or source?