I just got my Shapeoko a month ago and having issues. Yesterday the bit gouged into the wood after running for 45 minutes. Now today I load up a file and the bit gouged right away.
I have a Pro XXL with Bitsetter and BitZero.
This is the sequence of the operation.
Mount wood
Initialized the machine.
Router goes to the back of machine
Comes to the front center
Changed to BitZero Pin
Router runs over to Bitsetter
Comes back to front center
Manually move over to BitZero using CM
Set XYZ zero
Load Job
Hit start
Router moves to front center
CM asks to change bit to the correct one for the job.
After change the router goes over to the Bitsetter and measures
Start router
Machine gouges about 1/8" into board
I read where a couple other people was having the same issue but didn’t see the fix.
I only change the bit when CM ask for it.
I ran the job again but this time after I used the BitZero, I manually set the Z and the file ran just fine. I started another smaller job the same way and during the second pass it gradually with deeper and deeper.
Is the working area not in the same plane as the gantry?
If it’s not either of those, please take photos of your Z-axis motor wiring and and connectors, including the controller w/ close ups of the logos on the housings and send those in to support@carbide3d.com