Bitzero error once again

Obviously doing something wrong… just received a new bitzero. Bitzero connections appear ok. Followed carefully all the steps and got this error. Repeated a couple of times and same error.

What colour is the BitZero showing?

Is the grounded touching it?

Where are the two parts stored?

If you power up and connect to the machine what shows under Active Inputs?

You must have the bit within 12MM of the BitZero or the probe will time out. I have a v1 of the BitZero and there is a circle etched on the surface that you need to have the bit/probe over and within 12MM to do an X Y and Z probe. If doing just a Z probe you still need to have the bit/probe within 12MM of the surface of the BitZero to do the Z probe.

I think you have to have the V2 version bit/probe inside the round part of the probe to do an X Y and Z probe. You must have the magnet on the router collet or the bit/probe. You can test that by touching the magnet to the BitZero body. On my v1 there is an led that turns from green to red. Not sure about the V2 but if you open Carbide Motion and Settings you can see the active inputs and when you touch the magnet to the BitZero it will show up as an active inut.

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Bitzero is showing green when machine turned on.

The grounding magnet in attached to collet

i just installed the bitzero…so now right in front of machine

Input pin state lights up with grounding magnet touches bitzero.

yes, i have V2. Just received it yesterday.


Make a video and post that?

I am getting to a point where this is above my pay grade…however, one last question…could the issues i have ben having with X belt tension have anything to do with this?

Just FYI…this is the second Bitzero i received and errors right away…may not be worth it for my use.???

If the machine doesn’t have well-tensioned belts so that the stepper motors can reliably move things, all bets are off.

ok i switched the X belts…left to right and vice versa. set tension as directed. did that last night. this morning when i was working on the bitzero they were both loose again. wonder if i have stretched them…i do have a new set of belts. FYI…i did notice some movement of the belt through the clamp while the gantry was moving…just an indication of loosening. the clamp just does not seem to be holding.???

the belts that i am using came with the machine in late December.

If you over-tension the belts then they will give way.

More likely it’s a problem with the belt-routing — post a photo?

here you go…

here is right side X

That looks fine.


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