Build 635 won't allow me to increase X travel

So I just upgraded to your 635 version. I need to increase the X travel on my system but it won’t allow me too. I even downgraded back to 622 which worked just fine. Now 622 CM won’t work either if I change $130.

As you can see I changed the $130 to 870 from your default 845.

But its not increasing the X on the XXL. I have changed the value reinistiallized my SHP3 XXL several times. I run a 32x 29 waste board and with out this change this build doesn’t work.

Please help I may have to go back to the older version 622.

setting below from my machine.


You may need to add these in Machine Travel in Settings as well as Grbl settings.

I Don’ t see any additonal options in setting on the GUI to change. They use to have an option to change that in old builds of CM. Unless I am over looking something

There is no option to change the travel settings that I can see

unless it to clear it, I will try that now

Carbide Motion never used $130-$132 for anything. The travel limits have not changed from 622 to 635.

The fix is from my notes and I am not sure my version of CM when the notes were made ( maybe 622). I may brave the rain and check my machine.

I modified my settings and had to do X, Y, and Z in two places.

Give me a few minutes …

So how do I extend my travel x farther left. I see no setting in $$ file for 632 adn 625 maybe I don’t understand. I have changed something in the past to give that extra travel on the far left side

I have tweaked these to change max travel when I expanded my machine. Not necessary?

I did too, and some reason I can’t find what I changed last time. Then When I upgraded it defaulted back to the original. Now I am going crazy try to figure out what I did to get it that way. THanks for your assist

here is machine info

Machine: Shapeoko
GRBL Version: 1.1f

Carbide Motion 622
Machine Controller State: INIT
Grbl Cycle: Idle

“bitRunnerEnabled”: false,
“bitSetterEnabled”: false,
“bitSetterX”: -11.5,
“bitSetterY”: -788.0,
“bitZeroType”: 1,
“connection”: 1,
“lastConfigSent”: 2,
“lastProbeIndex”: 0,
“lastSizeOption”: 0,
“odometer”: [
“cleared”: true,
“minutes”: 2383.0809499999978,
“startDate”: “2023-07-16”,
“travelX”: 4072018.476778373,
“travelY”: 2585423.0768933296,
“travelZ”: 531313.8090469837
“cleared”: false,
“minutes”: 0.0,
“startDate”: “2024-04-01”,
“travelX”: 3.0,
“travelY”: 3.0,
“travelZ”: 3.0
“showCarbideRouterRpm”: true,
“spindleType”: 1,
“travelX”: -830.0,
“travelY”: -850.0,
“travelZ”: -140.0,
“version”: 0,
“workOffsetX”: 0.0,
“workOffsetY”: 0.0,
“workOffsetZ”: 0.0

0 = 10, Step pulse, microseconds
1 = 255, Step idle delay, milliseconds
2 = 0, Step port invert, mask
3 = 2, Direction port invert, mask
4 = 0, Step enable invert, boolean
5 = 0, Limit pins invert, boolean
6 = 0, Probe pin invert, boolean
10 = 255, Status report, mask
11 = 0.02, Junction deviation, millimeters
12 = 0.01, Arc tolerance, millimeters
13 = 0, Report inches, boolean
20 = 0, Soft limits, boolean
21 = 0, Hard limits, boolean
22 = 1, Homing cycle, boolean
23 = 0, Homing dir invert, mask
24 = 100, Homing feed, mm/min
25 = 2000, Homing seek, mm/min
26 = 25, Homing debounce, milliseconds
27 = 3, Homing pull-off, millimeters
30 = 24000, Max spindle speed, RPM
31 = 0, Min spindle speed, RPM
32 = 0, Laser mode, boolean
100 = 40, X steps/mm
101 = 40, Y steps/mm
102 = 320, Z steps/mm
110 = 10000, X Max rate, mm/min
111 = 10000, Y Max rate, mm/min
112 = 1300, Z Max rate, mm/min
120 = 500, X Acceleration, mm/sec^2
121 = 500, Y Acceleration, mm/sec^2
122 = 100, Z Acceleration, mm/sec^2
130 = 870, X Max travel, millimeters
131 = 850, Y Max travel, millimeters
132 = 150, Z Max travel, millimeters


Travel (km) 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 Hours since 2024-04-01
Travel (km) 4.07, 2.59, 0.53, 39.72 Hours since 2023-07-16

Queue Empty

I see travel X is set to 830 is there a GRBL command to run to change this I need to change mine to 850 or 860

sorry you where referenceing the code 622 and 635, my bad I was thinking that was a setting, rushing to try and figure this out

I am on Version 566 . Oooooops. In 566, Settings, Machine, Machine Travel and I entered mm for X, Y, and Z as well as changing $130, $131, $132 settings in GRBL. I dont know about newer versions.

Thanks I apreciate the effort. I had it working on 622 now I can’t figure out how to get it back. I remember changing those setting in the past and they moved them to the GCODE in newer builds. Man I should not have upgraded HAHA.

So I just need a way to make my TravelX in the setting either 850 or 860 from the default 840. We use to be able to change that in the GUI but can’t any more.

I believe the only way you can modify the travel limits in CM is to open the JSON file created for your machine in the Carbide Motion user directory. Be advised that if you have any erroneous machine behaviors, the first thing Support is going to have to do is roll back all your settings to default.

Disclaimer: This is something 99.99% of people do not need to/should not touch, and as such the UI for doing this was removed. Only consider this if you have a very specific need for it and a good understanding of how the machine operates.

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that maybe a last resort. I know specifically I had to do this on 622 and I think I ask support to help. They gave me some command to run to get it changed. I wish it didn’t overwrite my setting when I upgraded, because it was set. So frustrating.

The actual travel is not limited in any way (though you will get an warning if CM thinks a program might crash). The only thing that setting does is limit the jog distance so you don’t crash while jogging the machine around.

But I can’t set my X Y and Z to that specific spot on my spoil board. I had it setup in 622 working fine. Then when I upgraded to 635 it chunked my setup and will only go 830 mm and I have been using like 850 or 860 as my X