I’m having a hell of a time getting up and running with the 3D stuff. I am trying to make a half cylinder, for a simple poker chip tray. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You have the “Pro” version of CC?
I no longer have mine loaded, but I think I remember enough to help:
- Draw a rectangle where you want the cylinder to be (the width of the chips)
- Go to the “Modeling” tab
- Select “ROUND” and “DOWN”
- Select “Limit” and put in the depth of the cylinder that you want.
I believe that does it.
It doesn’t. that makes a rounded rectangle, but the tops and bottom of my rectangle need to be flat. A half cylinder shape. The rounding tool rounds all 4 sides.
you can always cheat a bit and use say
to take it through the process at Cutting STL models with Carbide Create Pro (nearly-2021 edition)
since you only really want a half cylinder I suspect (or even less than half) need to play with the depth percentage until you get the depth/shape you want
I’m not making an actual cylinder though. I just want a depression of half of a cylinder.
Right. Sorry about that…I don’t have it in front of me. There is definitely a way…I’m sure @WillAdams will show you how!
sure you just need to invert the PNG to get the reverse shape or use Carbide Create subtraction feature instead of addition (in the “merge type” field)
If you use “Equals”, does that do it without the ramp up at the ends?
No. I’ve tried all the options. My assumption is that I have to somehow make multiple layers? But I dont think thats right either, because if there was a component type the keep the ends flat, I wouldnt need the layer in the first place.
so you can solve that rounding on 4 sides in 2 ways
(but might get artifacts from roughing): The rectangle in which you model the shape, and the rectangle you use to make the toolpath do not need to be the same. so you can make a larger rectangle for the model, and then add another rectangle “in the middle” that you use for the toolpath. You just don’t make the toolpath for the 2 “edges” where you don’t want that shape.
Add 2 more blocks of geometry on either side to go over the depression part you don;t want and let it just go to the top
FENRUS! Option 1… Brilliant. Thats what I needed.
This post will be no help but if you could contact Marvin the Depressed Robot from Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy he could help with a depressed cylinder.
@gdon_2003 Yup…I was tempted to go with this one originally…
I had a slew of Depressed object jokes in my head when I posted it… I (uncharacteristically) decided to be an adult for once…
I knew that was a mistake.
Same: Once the answer was posted, I felt free to be childish
So I’m still having issues programming this 3d Poker tray. I got one tray cut by faking the machine out, but there HAS to be a fix for this. Each time I make a depressed Cylinder, the back of the tray rounds off like this… You can see I get the nice full shape on the front, but the back has a bowl.
This happens no matter HOW far I extend past the media, and no matter how far I extend the component making the angle surface.
Any ideas?
Fenrus, you were a big help, but I’m still having issues. Any idea how to fix this?
You need to extend the geometry beyond where it needs to be, and it needs to be inset from the edge of the stock.
Post the file?
I tried extending the geometry WAY past the stock, and it still makes a bowl on one side. I will post the file.