I looked for previous posts and found a few that appear to all be talking about the same problem/misunderstanding. But did not find any response from Carbide3D (@robgrz).
- Bug when editing stepover field
- Carbide Create 3D Cutting Stepover
- Stepover Change in new ver
- Carbide Create - 3D Roughing and Finishing
I think a good summary of the confusion is that in Carbide Create the stepover has hard coded defaults (details below) despite having a stepover percentage setting in the tool library. I noticed the tool library does have the stepover in the “3D Cutting Parameter” section, but it still does not use when 3D cutting.
Pocket toolpaths the stepover appears to be fixed/hard coded to be 50% of the tool diameter (rounded to 3 decimal places). This setting can be changed by the user, but it will default back to 50% if a different tool is selected.
Contour toolpaths, are fixed/hard coded to be 0.118 (at least for me). I understand that the stepover isn’t a parameter that is used when performing contour toolpaths (so this is less of a concern) but showing the 0.118 value is confusing. If the user attempts to change this value, it does not actually save whatever the user entered.
Advanced VCarve toolpaths, the Vee Tool stepover is fixed/hard coded to be 0.008 (at least for me). I understand that the stepover isn’t a parameter that is used when performing the vee tool portion of advanced VCarve toolpaths (so this is less of a concern) but showing the 0.008 value is confusing. And again the user can not actually change this value.
Advanced VCarve toolpaths, the Pocket Tool stepover is fixed/hard coded to be 50% of the tool diameter (just like the pocket toolpath).
3D Roughing and Finishing, the stepover appears to be fixed/hard coded to be 50% of the tool diameter (rounded to 3 decimal places). This setting can be change by the user, but it will default back to 50% if a different tool is selected.
As a confused user, I would like to see the stepover parameter from the tool library used in toolpaths. And I’ll let those with more experience tell me if there needs to be different stepover settings for 2D and 3D in the tool library or is a single stepover setting is enough.