Carving Chair Seats

Hello everyone! I am using a Shapeoko machine to carve seats for a set of chairs. The initial pass went well, but there are a couple of details that I’d like to be able to fix in the design. Specifically, I’d like to be able to continue the rounded bottom contour for the leg out to the front of the chair with the CNC so I don’t have to fix the issue manually afterwards. Is there a way to adjust the depth of specific layers in the contour so that the machine will eliminate the upward curve toward the front limit? Thanks!

Please post the file and maybe some photos of what you are trying to do.
A picture is worth 1000 words.

Yeah, I think we are a little lost as to what you are explaining here and what you are trying to achieve. We know you are cutting a chair seat with the contour for the seating area, but not sure where your issue is.

@SDGuy pretty much nailed it here in order for us to try to help you.

Yes, you can fix that; you’ll need to do a 3d model, add a shape, and then adjust it.
If you email this to support, they can give you a walk-through.

You can also buy the file from Etsy.


If you have Pro, here is a pixel image for one:

and a walkthrough (again, for Pro) at:

That said, the file you have could be made smoother with a bit of interpolation/blending and by using ball-nosed tooling, see:

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Thanks, SDGuy! I appreciate the help!

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Thanks WillAdams! Much appreciated!