Fancy Walnut Bee Charcuterie Boards:
This is my first major project since replacing my control board with a Duet 6HC board:
Still a few minor kinks to work out with my macros, but I am really loving it. Getting used to a new work flow has not been without its challenges.
- Hurricane Elsa coming by Tampa Bay Florida has made the weather way too humid for applying the finish on the second board. Hoping to complete that tomorrow.
- Sanding inside the V-Carve patterns was rather difficult till I found these: at my local Woodcraft store. Only complaint is that the abrasive wears off the edge rather quickly. Probably because the sand paper is bent at too extreme an angle.
- Ran into a bug in the old version of CC that made Gcode my Duet did not like. This caused the the rapids to carve through the material and forced me to resurface the piece and start over. Advance VCarve Did Not Retract During Rapids - #8 by CthulhuLabs luckily it was fixed in a newer version of CC.
- Because I had to start over I ended up having to try to pick back up zero on a hexagon. This proved tricky till I realized that with my Duet I could make a custom Macro to have my BitZero pick up the outside corner of my Carbide Corner Square and put the zero at the inner corner. With that I just butted one of the edges of the hexagon up against the bottom edge and the corner against the other.
- One of my macros worked great in my testing, but crashed my endmill into my first attempt because it was using absolute positioning for one of the moves rather than relative. It was a simple fix and kind of a bone headed bug.
I have uploaded the general design files and one of the V-Carve patterns to Cut Rocket but cannot seem to publish them for some reason. The second one unfortunately does not have a compatible license, but I will link to where I got it.