gSender from Sienci Labs - CNCjs based sender

gSender 0.7.4 is now available via github. It seems to fix the tool change issue. Now we just need the code for the bitsetter to try it out. (Neil ? Julien?)

On my weekend plan…


Which is the correct ARM version for the RaspberryPi4b? I assume it’s the v7I but want to make sure.

Oof, this looks awesome! Was just cracking open cncJS for the 2nd time and was not looking forward to it…

Yes, for me most things work well but the tool change hooks still do not seem to work. I like the visualization and summary info when opening up a gcode file. The “normal” operations like jogging and zeroing… seem logical and work. They are off to a good start with gSender.

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Sorry I didn’t update here. Toolchanges are working with limited testing. There’s one inconvenient issue which the devs are working on.

EDIT (10/24/21): CNCjs Macros will now work seamlessly with gSender (v0.75) and the BitSetter.
These can be imported right into gSender. (1.1 KB)

Be sure to adjust the “User Defined Variables” in the Initial Tool Macro



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So your update means the inconvenient issue is gone, right? (I think 10d ago it said there was the issue… I’m guessing now that issue is fixed)

Should be good. I’ll try to write something up when I get some more time.


V1.0.0 was released today.

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At least one developer has decided they deserve a beer, 1.0.0 that’s a psychological milestone :champagne:


I’m wondering if you are talking about gSender or something else? I don’t see anywhere that gSender went from 0.7.5 to 1.0.

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The github repository is updated before the website. Look here: Releases · Sienci-Labs/gsender · GitHub


has any of you guys checked whether the various CNCjs pendants (pieces of code to support external/custom peripheral devices to interact with the sender) are compatible or at least portable to gSender ? I would expect them to be with minor effort, considering gSender branched off CNCjs

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Good point — didn’t CNCjs add support for the nifty Contour Design ShuttleXpress?

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As far as I can tell, without updating to 1.0.0 version, is that external controllers and joysticks are still a bit of a problem as a general rule. There are versions that work well, but not everyone’s favorite 'stick works.

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@neilferreri Are the contents of that zip the same as these ? CNCjs-Macros/Initial & New Tool at master · cncjs/CNCjs-Macros · GitHub

Also the first comment

;***This macro should be run to establish your tool length offset AFTER you set your original Z work zero***

Not sure I follow. If I run this macro on startup, and then set my Z0 height, will that be incorrect?

No, those you linked predated the bitsetter and can be used by those without a bitsetter. They do the same thing but just include extra pauses for adding/removing probe wires.
The ones in the zip folder are the same as the BitSetter ones on my GitHub.

Yes. Set your Z0 first, then run the Initial Tool macro. After that, run the New Tool macro anytime you want to change tools. You can even run new jobs as long as Z0 stays the same. If you reset the controller, you’ll have to run the Initial Tool macro again.
Remember, Z0 will persist across jobs and power downs.

Okay. Is there a way to call the toolchange macro from the Settings for tool change? Or I guess another option is to just paste the toolchange macro code inside that setting?