HDZ/Suckit Users - Addressing rapid coordinates X bouncing

Whilst we formally address support of the Suckit Dust Boots with HDZ users I wanted to post a workaround which will allow users to use the full 9 point rapid co-ordinates system in Carbide Motion with HDZ with a Suckit Dust Boot if they so please.

Issue: At present if you are using CM 4.28 onwards, X travel is set to support the full HDZ travel distance (this is greater than the stock carriage due to the HDZ being narrower). If you are using a Suckit dust boot and additional ‘ears’ this removes the additional travel and will mean the suckit ears will hit the left side of the machine when using the far most rapid positions.

To rectify this:

  1. Open Carbide Motion
  2. Connect to cutter
  3. Click Settings
  4. Setup Shapeoko - select your machine Do not select "Use Shapeoko HDZ"
  5. Click “Update Shapeoko Configuration”
  6. Close Carbide Motion
  7. Re-open Carbide Motion
  8. Connect to cutter
  9. Click Midi
  10. Enter the following commands one at a time - click send after each one
  • $3=2
  • $102=320
  • $112=1000
  • $122=100
  • $132=150

Assuming the commands have been written you can now initiate your machine. Please keep your hand on the power switch when running the first initiate to ensure the machine is moving in the correct direction.

Any issues please contact support@carbide3d.com - we’re happy to walk you though this and confirm your settings.



Just a couple of quick questions, how do you go back to the original settings if this fails? Just resend config for the model you use? Is this solution good for any Shapeoko model?

Yep, if you find it doesn’t work or anything is not correct just enable the HDZ tick box and send the settings again.

Should work with all Shapeoko models.


OK, I basically have the same work area as my Shapeoko XL without HDZ the ears are an inch away from the Y rails. Any way of expanding on that? I’m losing 2in of X. I may go back to HDZ and not use the W rapid positions.

It would be nice if we could set the distance by jogging to where we want to set the limits and then say save.

@Luke what are the X,Y coordinates of the Rapid Positions for the XL? I do have an HDZ with ears if it makes a difference.

For what it’s worth - I don’t look at this as supporting the Suckit Dust Boots specifically. It should be to support any accessory that’s made to fit within the dimensions of the stock carriage. I don’t know how you plan to address this in CM, but it shouldn’t be a checkbox that mentions Suckit; it should generically reference the carriage dimensions & include a short explanation for new users. There’s plenty of space in the dialog for that.

If you use the GCode Luke provided, they are reverting back to the pre HDZ location. I also have an XL

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I had made my own changes already to account for the HDZ with ears. I was just curious to where the Rapid Position locations were located as I don’t use CM anymore and wanted to simulate those positions in UGS.

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Update: I prepared to cut a job & tried to probe zero; started jogging down to my touch probe and couldn’t jog all the way down. it stopped short, and if I had to guess, it’s the distance gained by the HDZ. So, this series of steps addressed one issue but created another.

Has anybody else tried this?


Tried these settings and confirmed that they have taken in the log.

Left ear still crashes when rapid’ing to NW, W, or SW.

Do you know when there will be a new CM release?


Has this been addressed in the beta releases of Carbide Motion 429 & 430?

HDZ on XXL, using Suckit dust boot with ears mounted. I configured as described, got the X-axis running fine (back to stock non-HDZ range of motion), but as @brrian mentions - the z-axis won’t jog down enough to allow me to probe… This is frustrating.

I have the suckIt ears and dustboot and the BitSetter and it works fine. Maybe post a video so we can understand.

(sorry for the obvious question) how low is your router seated (or spindle) in its mount ?

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This should be stickied, and highlighted, and set ablaze for all HDZ/ Suckit users to see. Thanks for sharing.

Is it possible to change the tool change location with Grbl settings? My understanding is that the M6 command is hardcoded to a specific location. The enclosure is a little too short and when I have a dust boot on tool changes bump my doors open. I’d like to have tool changes take place roughly 2 inches (50mm) in the towards the rear on y-axis.

My understanding is that the tool change commands are handled/interpreted by CM.

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So M6 command in NC program tells CM and CM tells grbl to move to tool chance coordinates? Just trying to understand.

If that’s the case, then theres no luck changing the tool change location.

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The Carbide router is seated fully in the mount.

So just to confirm, when you install the probe on your stock, you cannot jog manually low enough to reach the level of the probe surface either ?

When you reach the lower Z jogging limit, do you still have spare travel left at the bottom of the HDZ, and what does the current Z value read ? Just wondering if that $132 value could use some tuning to get you the missing Z travel, but then again I don’t see the link between a set of settings addressing X travel issues, and how far down the HDZ carriage can go…

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That’s right. Grbl does not have its own mechanism for handling an M6. It’s up to the sender.