Introduce yourself!

Electrical engineer by training, software by profession… and hobby. I work for a large semiconductor company in Oregon (US), on the open source side for a long time an lately a bit more on the customer facing side.

Wanted to do something outside my comfortzone so I got a 3XL about a year and a half ago…
lots of learning on the mechanical side of things since then, after a frustrating few months lately I’m mostly quite comfortable with the machine and have been able to make it do what I want…

I also realized that some of the things I wanted were limited by software (although I really really like the simplicity of Carbide Create) so I built a bunch of tools for myself that others can use as well (STL2PNG - javascript edition is most known here, but I like GcodeForce - javascript edition as well… and for landscapes I ended up building enough of a custom CAM toolkit)
